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Kala Bhairab. Au Népal, Shiva apparaît en Bhairab quand il est sous sa forme terrrifiante. Il est doté de multiples bras tenant chacun une arme, coiffé de crânes humains et dansant sur un cadavre. D'autres crânes pendent à sa ceinture. Il tient une coupe faite dans un crâne humain. Ce dieu impressionnant se trouve près du palais de Hanuman Dhoka, à l'entrée de Katmandou.

Kala Bhairab. In Nepal, Shiva appears as Bhairab, when he is under his terrifying shape. He has multiple arms and each one is holding a weapon, ended by a human skull and dancing over a dead body. Other skulls are hanging from his belt He is holding a cup made from a human skull. This impressive god can be found near the Hunuman Dhoka palace, at the entry of Katmandou.

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